How to break negative thought loops
We all worry at times, but what should you do when your thoughts spiral out of control into a negative thought loop?
Read moreWe all worry at times, but what should you do when your thoughts spiral out of control into a negative thought loop?
We all worry; it’s a normal part of being human. But what happens when you can’t get a worry out of your head? When it spirals out of control and leads to other worries that are even bigger and more concerning? We call this a negative thought loop or a negative thought pattern. How do you know when you’re in a negative thought loop, and how do you get out of it?
Sometimes it’s hard to identify when you’re in a negative thought spiral.
Research suggests that our brains are conditioned to remember negative loops.[1] They can trap us into believing everything is wrong with us or the world. It can be very hard to sit back and identify that they are just thoughts, not truths.
The first thing to do is to learn more about different types of negative thought patterns.
Do you do any of these:
Once you’ve identified these patterns in your thoughts, the next step is to attempt to stop the loop. There are a few things you can try. Sometimes one technique might work, but other times it might not, and you might need to try something else. The important thing is to keep trying.
Our minds are not in the present when we are in a negative thought loop. We’re busy thinking about something that has happened already or may or may not happen in the future. Mindfulness helps us pay attention to our present moment and accept it without judgement. Research suggests that mindfulness can help us notice our negative thoughts earlier and attempt to remove ourselves from them.[2]
Mindfulness can come in the form of mindful meditation, but there are also many other ways you can be mindful. You can also enjoy mindful exercises, such as yoga or even a walk where you notice how your body feels and the sensations around you. The more we practise mindfulness, the better we get at recognising our negative thinking, which can help stop us from getting caught up in negative thought loops.
To get started with mindfulness and learn more, you can try the Smiling Mind app, which was developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life.
Once you’ve recognised your negative thought pattern, try to challenge your thoughts. Is it the truth, or are you projecting catastrophic thoughts onto the issue? Are your thoughts influenced by something in your past? Are you blaming yourself unfairly for something? Are you dwelling on a tiny detail? Are you jumping to a conclusion that is not based on fact? Try not to judge yourself for feeling these thoughts, as everyone does it occasionally. The important thing is to recognise they’re unhelpful thoughts and try to move on.
Try to remember times in the past when you have faced challenges and things have worked out. If you are having trouble remembering, you can ask friends and family to help you remember positive experiences in the past. These memories can help to shift your thinking.
If you are facing several problems, focus on one problem at a time. Break down that problem into smaller parts. Then, create a clear and realistic plan. Write it down and start making progress one step at a time.
When you’re worried about something, instead of trying to stop yourself from worrying, you can give yourself a time limit (e.g. 10 or 15 minutes). Then when that time is up, either act on a potential solution or try to distract yourself with a pleasurable activity. Go for a walk, talk to a friend, or watch a movie.
If your negative thoughts are impeding your enjoyment of life, it might be time to talk to a trusted friend or a health professional. Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide telephone and online counselling service. We provide free support to anyone who is experiencing pain and distress and needs urgent professional counselling. Call 1300 659 467 to chat with a counsellor.
If it is an emergency, call 000.
Remember, you are not alone in experiencing negative thought loops. These strategies may take time and practice, but with consistent effort, you can develop a more balanced perspective. Challenge those harsh inner voices, remind yourself of your strengths, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support. There are people who care about you and want to help you.
If you are feeling suicidal and need someone to talk to, call Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 to speak to a counsellor. The service is free and available 24/7.
If it is an emergency, please call 000.
We all worry at times, but what should you do when your thoughts spiral out of control into a negative thought loop?
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