What’s happening during Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week (5-13 October) is a great time for everyone to focus on and think about our mental health. Throughout Australia, there will be lots of activities and events taking place.

Mental health week

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day on 10 October takes place during Mental Health Week. World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of mental health issues and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.

This year, the theme is “Meaningful Connections Matter” – Connections with loved ones, connections with community, connections with colleagues, connections to supports and services, connections to Country, and connections to yourself.

Visit the Mental Health Australia website to read lived experience stories about mental health and connection.


Mental Health Week events around Australia

New South Wales

WayAhead is observing Mental Health Month throughout October. The theme, “Let’s Talk About It”, prompts us to reflect on our mental health and wellbeing, irrespective of whether we have personally encountered mental illness. We are encouraged to take a proactive approach in maintaining good mental health in our daily lives and to seek help when needed.

Visit the WayAhead Mental Health Month website to find resources and events.


Northern Territory

NT Mental Health Week engages with communities to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing so that we can increase understanding and reduce the stigma. NT Mental Health Week encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental illness or not and encourages help seeking behaviours. This year’s theme, “Celebrating Our Strengths”, calls for reflection on the things in our lives and communities that we are proud of that keep our mental health and wellbeing and our spirit strong.

Visit the NT Mental Health Week for events and more information.



Queensland’s theme for Mental Health Week is “Connect for Mental Health” – focusing on the ways we can nurture and support positive mental health and wellbeing for ourselves and our community. They are encouraging people across Queensland to come together through local events, conversations, and activities. Connect for Mental Health focuses on four areas: Connect with Self, Connect with Others, Connect with Community, and Connect with Nature.

Visit the Queensland Mental Health Week website for more information, resources to download, and events.


South Australia

The theme for South Australia’s Mental Health Month is “It’s time to talk about mental health”. South Australians are encouraged to talk about their mental health and seek help when they need it. By talking about mental health, we can break down stigma and help people feel more comfortable about seeking support. This theme also highlights the importance of early intervention when your mental health is not going well.

Visit the South Australia Mental Health Month website for downloadable resources, information, and events.



In Tasmania, the theme for Mental Health Week is “Appreciate the little things”. Sharing a smile with a stranger, spending time in the garden, hearing your favourite song on the radio…What are the things that give you a glimmer of calm and peace on a busy day? The small moments that wouldn’t make the news, but make you feel good? Like having coffee with an old friend, watching a breathtaking sunset, listening to birds singing in the trees… This Mental Health Week, take a minute to appreciate the little things.

Visit the Mental Health Council of Tasmania website to find out more about Mental Health Week.


Western Australia

WA Mental Health Week is focusing on power – Empowering communities, thriving workforces: A journey towards investing in our mental health. They are shining a light on real stories of lived experience, helping communities empower themselves, and showing that mental health is about thriving, not just surviving.

Visit the Mental Health Week website for downloadable resources, information, and events.



If you are feeling overwhelmed and need support, contact a Suicide Call Back Service counsellor on 1300 659 467. Our service is free and available 24/7.

If there is an emergency, dial 000.


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