Lost someone to suicide

Providing support

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Suicide Call Back Service provides phone and online counselling for anyone who has lost someone to suicide. Bereavement can often be very complicated. In addition to grief, people bereaved can experience shock, guilt, anger and loneliness.

Suicide Call Back Service has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

Supporting adolescents: Mother comforting her daughter bereaved by suicide
Providing support

Supporting adolescents bereaved by suicide

The experience of losing a family member or friend to suicide can be particularly difficult during teenage years. While a young person may be yearning for independence, after a suicide they may also experience a conflicting need for support from those close to them.

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Supporting Children: Child being held by his mother after a suicide
Providing support

Supporting young children bereaved by suicide

The idea of talking to children about suicide is daunting. This page is designed to give a helping hand to parents or carers supporting children.

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Grieving woman looking out a window
Providing support

How to help someone who is grieving

When someone close to you is grieving, it can be difficult to know what to say or do. Learn how to offer help and support, remembering that everyone’s experience of grief is different.

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