Mental health


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Suicide Call Back Service provides phone and online counselling for anyone struggling with their mental health including anxiety, depression, feeling low, stressed or having suicidal thoughts.

Suicide Call Back Service has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

Two hands reaching out - struggling to cope

Struggling to cope? Six reasons to reach out to family and friends

When facing challenges with our mental health, discussing it with those close to us might be the last thing we want to do. We might fear they won’t care or that we’ll be too vulnerable. However, opening up to someone can often make us feel much better. Here are six compelling reasons to reach out to someone when you’re finding it tough. 

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How to build a strong support network

How to build a strong support network

When it comes to our mental health and wellbeing, studies have shown that having a good support network with strong relationships you can count on, is vital. A support network refers to those people in your life that are there for you when you need them and can help you to achieve your goals. Read our tips on how to create a strong support network.

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Pay it Forward hand with heart
Significant days

Pay it Forward – The mental benefits of volunteering

Pay It Forward Day is a global initiative that seeks to make a difference by creating a huge ripple of kindness felt across the world. One way to get involved with #Payitforwardday is to volunteer. Studies show that volunteering can have many positive implications, not only for those you help, but also for your own mental wellbeing.

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Loneliness and social relationships

Loneliness and social relationships - 14 tips to connect with others

Feeling connected to others is important for our wellbeing. Strong social connections and relationships can have positive effects on our physical and mental health. Here we explore 14 tips from psychologists at the Australian Psychological Society to help you build stronger connections and reduce feelings of loneliness.

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