Mental health
Suicide Call Back Service provides phone and online counselling for anyone struggling with their mental health including anxiety, depression, feeling low, stressed or having suicidal thoughts.
Suicide Call Back Service has a number of resources available that can help you through this difficult time. If it is an emergency call 000.

Nature as a healer
International Day of Forests is on 21 March and this year’s theme is Forests and Sustainable Cities. The day #internationaldayofforests is a great opportunity for us to look at nature as a healer, and how it can help, heal and protect us.
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10 tips to help make positive habits stick
Creating positive habits can be as challenging as breaking the bad ones. Here are ten tips to help you make those positive habits stick.
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Forming new habits
It’s the new year, and you’re already struggling to keep up some of your resolutions. You started off with the best intentions; forming new habits, but now it’s hard to break the old ones! To help, we’ve compiled some advice below.
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Physical health as a treatment for mental health
Physical health and mental health can go hand in hand. Regular exercise, while aiding overall fitness levels, may also help to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. To help alleviate the symptoms of depression, some GPs are prescribing exercise alongside other treatment.
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Significant days
Clean Up Australia Day - boost your wellbeing
Sunday 4 March 2018 is Clean Up Australia Day – When the rubbish is gone, nature can carry on. Social interaction, physical activity and contact with nature can have positive effects on our mental and physical wellbeing.
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What is
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness can bring us greater awareness as we purposely focus on what we are doing in a non-judgemental way. When we pay attention to where we are and what we are doing, we become less reactive to what is going on around us. Mindfulness is something we can all do and the more we practice, the easier it gets.
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Steps for change in the new year
We all have our vices, our habits. Things we know that we shouldn’t necessarily be doing that aren’t healthy or simply don’t blend with who we want to be. Even though we know some of the things we should change, motivation is harder to come by.
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Tips for taking care of your mental wellbeing
We all need to focus on our mental wellbeing to stay balanced and healthy in life. Follow these tips to improve your mental wellbeing.
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Looking after yourself in the workplace
If you spend a lot of time at work, what steps can you take to ensure your workplace isn’t negatively impacting your mental health? Here’s how to look after your wellbeing at work.
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